I was with a group of guys some months ago. I stumbled on their discussion they were discussing about women in the aspect of marriage and one of them made a point that got me thinking, he said “a woman has got nothing to think about asides getting married and having children.” I tried convincing them but I couldn’t. I got to understand that a lot of people have this same idea about women and so when they get to meet women who love their jobs or women who are passionate about their dreams they see them as proud and they  call them all sort of names.


There is more to the woman than getting married and giving birth to children right inside of her are ideas that can change the world just because she is a woman has not made her less or made her a dummy. I believe she is smart if she is given the opportunity she could do great things.


There are some women who are smart enough and have dedicated their lives to making others happy and helping nations but what makes them different is the fact that they don’t just make others happy they also keep their family happy; they are women their husbands and children are so proud of. Some people call them the career woman but I call her “THE CONFIDENT WOMAN”. She’s confident enough to make a great impact on her generation she is a woman her generation cannot forget. 

They are women who make their man a better person and also who make sure their man fulfills his purpose and vision.
To the beautiful women reading this I want you to know that there is more to you than being just an ordinary woman, you were created to make a difference and to the men reading stop seeing the woman as an ordinary person there is more to her.


I will like to talk about three wonderful and confident women who have been a source of inspiration:


Pastor (Mrs.) Nike Adeyemi is the wife of the senior pastor Daystar Christian Centre in person of Pastor Sam Adeyemi and also the co-founder of the church. She was born April 11th 1967; she graduated from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-ife) with a and in Architecture in 1989 and 1991 respectively.
The architect turned Pastor is the director Women Ministries of Daystar Christian Centre and the president Real women Foundation, a motivational and healing ministry. One very interesting thing about this woman is that she is a very important figure in the actualization of her husband’s ministry and as a matter of fact her husband has publicly acknowledged how she molded him in a lot of ways starting from his dressing and other things. Pastor Nike runs an orphanage home she also reaches out to abandoned and the less privilege across the country. She is a confident woman who inspires me daily.


She is another great woman I admire and love so much. She is a Nigerian make-up artist and lawyer. A pioneer in the bridal make-up profession in Nigeria, she launched the first bridal directory in 1999, set up international standard makeup studios and established the first make-up school in Nigeria. She is the founder and the CEO of house of Tara international and creator of the Tara Orekelewa Beauty range, inspired Perfume and the H.I.P. beauty range.
In 2007 she was awarded the African SMME award and the entrepreneur award in South Africa and in 2013, Forbes listed her as one of the 20 young powerful women in Africa. Another remarkable thing about this confident woman is that she made her husband a better person, supported his vision even when it was so gloomy and dark she knew he was going places and gave him all the support he needed. Today, Fela and Tara Durotoye worth millions and they just celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary in Venice, Italy this year.


If you are a fan of top radio 90.9 then you’ll definitely know this wonderful lady she conducts the morning show “Top of the morning” specially a segment of it called Areaaaa show.
Tosyn has she is popularly called was born in a taxi while her mum was visiting her friend about 28 years ago. She graduated from the University of Lagos where she studied law; she wanted to be an actress, singer and writer before she stumbled into her career in radio. She has written scripts for shows like Amstel Malta Box-office, as a singer she has worked with artistes such as Skales, Eva etc. Another amazing thing about her is that she was born with the sickle cell disease and that never stopped her in fact it gave her the strength to pursue her dreams.
In December 2007, Tosyn founded THESE GENE, the sickle cell project in a bid to ensure that people heard inspiring stories about sickle cell and to show that sickle cell is part of life. She almost lost her career on the radio as it was complained that she giggles on air but despite all the challenges this great woman never gave up and today she is a force to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment. She got married to her husband in November 2015. Tosyn is really a confident woman and an inspiration to a lot of young people in Nigeria.

These confident women and many more have been a source of inspiration to the female gender, these women rose up to the top despite all the challenges and hurdles along their path. It doesn’t matter where you are right now as long  as you don’t give up you can definitely be who you want to be. You were created for more don’t ever allow anyone to limit you. Right inside of you are ideas that can change the world.
To my confident women keep rocking your world, keep supporting your men and help them fulfill their purpose. You are beautiful in and out.
I love you!
Omodara Onome
Relationship and life coach


It was a cold night and everything was just working against her, it felt like her world was crumbling and she could not just understand why it had to be her. Esther was a beautiful young lady intelligent and smart, she was very determined and passionate to succeed she knew about all the rules of success so she was confident about succeeding and with each passing day she did her best to be a success but just along the line something tragic happened to Esther she failed and all her confidence and faith in herself died the minute she failed she was so scared of starting all over and all she could was cry and the only mistake was that she lost the courage to move on, she gave up and settled for mediocrity.

A lot have been like Esther, initially they had the zeal, the passion and the courage but when they failed they lost everything, they lost the courage to try again and the zeal to move on and so they subconsciously zoom into accepting defeat and hence settle for less. Many have said in their hearts “May be I’m just destined to fail” and they have naturally accepted to be a mediocre but let me ask you a question “Why settle for less when you were designed for success?”

Have you tried to imagine that if Thomas Edison had given up the first time he tried inventing electric bulb do you know he would never be celebrated today as the inventor of electric bulb? If Bill Gates had given up when he failed at Harvard do you think we would have Microsoft? If Wole Soyinka had given up when he had a third class do you think he would be the first Nigerian to win the Nobel Award? The list is endless every great man has a story they all have one thing in common which is the fact that they have all failed at a point while trying to be great.
You need to start failure from the perspective of it being a temporary defeat let go of the fear and begin to pursue the courage to try again for every time you need to believe that you are failed because you are a great person. Pursue your goals again and dream new dreams until you see beyond the fear of failing you might never move forward.

in his book Outwitting the devil Napoleon Hill explained that fear is the major tool the devil uses to make people perform beyond expectations and one of the fears he mentioned is the fear of failure a lot of people don’t try because they are scared of failing don’t allow failure keep you in a comfort zone and then make you live an average life, you were created for so much more don’t settle for less.

I challenge you to let go of the fear and gather enough faith and courage to try again just because you failed once has not made you a failure so stop crying, stop pitying yourself. “I learnt that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”. (Nelson Mandela).

Stand up and conquer that fear because you have all it takes to be a success and you will not allow fear to define you, you are courageous so you don’t accept defeat and don’t settle for less.
A feedback from will you will delight me.
You are a champion.

Happy new month!

Keep doing exploits!


            FATHERS: OUR HEROES!
The world is so busy paying attention to different things that we often times forget there is a gender called “MEN”, we have forgotten “FATHERS” it takes a lot to be a man, a lot of responsibilities is attached to being a father. But who exactly is a father?


Fathers are pillars that we all lean on, God calls them the head so they are meant to be the leaders of their various homes, they have a call of God upon their lives to hold their families together and to teach their kids moral values and respect God.
The truth is that some of us grew up having fathers who neglected their responsibilities and messed up big time and while some of us had wonderful fathers who we look up to and the rest of us grew up with no father maybe because he walked away or because he died, in any category you find yourself don’t blame God or blame anybody or hate your father. “When one has not had a good father, one must create one” (Friedrich Nietzsche) the best you can do is to make up your mind to be a better father, a loving husband and your children’s best friend.


Be a man who your kids will want to talk about when they get to school and even amongst their friends, when you teach your kids to follow God you have no cause to worry because you know they are safe. When God made man he made a lot of destinies with him. It’s not enough to be a man with hormones because any fool can impregnate a woman but a wise man builds his home.
It’s okay to have the swag, I know you want to be that handsome dude with the six packs girls are tripping for but let me be real with you for a minute that isn’t enough because years from now your six packs will not matter anymore, I know you are the big boy, your friends call you the play boy and you are feeling so fly about it but years from you are going to have beautiful daughters and handsome sons what do you want them to learn from you, do you really want your sons to be like you and your daughters messing up with men like you? I think you need to think twice.


I strongly believe and trust God that we will have a generation whose hearts are sold out to God and whose duty is to love God and take full responsibility and good care of their family, I look forward to we having men who will be their daughter’s  best friends, men their daughters can trust when he approves a man, men who will teach their daughters to be an Esther in her generation and their sons to be a Joshua in his generation, men who will teach their kids to be just like Jesus and of course men who their wives will be willing to submit to not only because it is God’s command but because she has reasons to submit to, men who their wives will adore and treasure for the rest of their lives together. A true man is strong but tender.
I join the rest of the world to celebrate every man, all potential fathers and every father, I challenge every father who has not been a faithful husband or father to take up your responsibilities and be the best you were made to be.
Even if you had the best dad you can always be an outstanding father, so it doesn’t really matter who your father was what matters what kind of father do you want to be?
Thank you daddies for paying our transport fare to the world you have given us support when we felt like giving up. You are special to us. You are our hero!
Celebrating Fathers!
Happy father’s day!!!!!

A Special Day

The day she had dreamt of all her life was here, that special day every young girl dreams of, that day every lady fantasizes about. she felt so delighted and elated she looked so beautiful in her beautiful white wedding gown, her best friend was right behind her holding her flowing gown it was so obvious that her dad was so proud of her as he held her hands with pride and led her into the church with hundreds of people standing up awaiting her arrival the organist played silently the tune “Here comes the bride” to welcome her, her prince charming was looking dashingly handsome in his black tux with a touch of coral colour he flashed a beautiful smile at her that made her blush for a second, it just felt so right she was the happiest woman in the world not just being her wedding day but it was the day she would become one with the man she loved and honoured right in front of families and friends it was indeed a dream come true!


I bet more than half of the single ladies reading this are already imagining themselves in this story, you are already feeling like a bride already it’s a day every single lady dreams of, a day she will read her vow to be committed to just one man he’s not just a man he will be called her king, her husband but above all a man she loves and loves her back. Aloma wright once said “I hear people talk all the time about how beautiful a woman is when she becomes a mother but take it from me a woman who had three beautiful kids to look after all day, it’s on her wedding day when she is the most beautiful she is never more pretty, happier and more in love all at the same time than she is on that day!!


The most exciting thing about this day is the romantic evening that follows when she is all alone with her knight, her prince and of course her husband in her sexy lingering ready to give all her body to this man of course they’ve been pronounced one and so he has all the right to see her naked, it’s their first night together she has looked forward to this day for a very long time! It was her wedding night!


Sweetheart, Your wedding day and your first night will become more beautiful if you have waited, a strong lady waits, don’t be in haste about it. Can you imagine that your dad decides to surprise you with a Toyota Camry for Christmas, he hides it carefully but you secretly take it out of the hiding place and try it out on the 22nd of December then on the Christmas day you have to act as if you are surprised and joyful but the holiday is colourless and empty. Motherhood is much more interesting and exciting when you have it right inside wedlock. Don’t allow your feelings to deceive you and push you into trying out, don’t lose the fun, excitement and joy you will have for a long time over a feeling of pleasure that will last for just an hour. The wait is always worth it!


if you have made a mistake it’s okay don’t feel so bad about it just get up and move on, make up your mind to keep your legs closed and keep it for the right man!


Remember, a strong lady is one that waits. Your wedding day and weeding night is worth waiting for, it’s your special day so keep it special!



Dear friend,
I know that feeling, the feeling of anger, rejection, hurts and pains what made it more painful is the fact that nobody understands not even the people you call friends each time you shed those innocent tears they tell you “You need to get over it and move on you are not the first” some are even nicer they hold you and tell you “Cheer up its going to be fine” but those harsh or sweet words are not just enough to make you feel better you are in serious pain you are hurt not just by anybody but by the one you loved and trusted the most.
I’ve got news for you,  I’ve been there and I totally understand, I feel what you are going through yes I’ve been there, I’ve been rejected, abused, used, disappointed and betrayed by the ones I trusted, the ones I gave all my life, I relied on them for support some of them walked out on me without saying goodbye I kept asking myself “where did I miss it, what was my fault?” so you can trust me when I tell you I know exactly how it feels, my heart was ripped into two I was broken and I was hurt, I can’t count the number of times I had to wet my pillow, I used to wonder if there was a God up there nobody understood, I was living in pains for years I was scared of getting close to people I thought everybody I met wanted to hurt me. I could remember the day my uncle told me I was sick for crying over a break up, I could remember a lot of people telling me it was my fault that he walked out, I cannot tell you all I’ve been through, at a point I felt life was not worth living I knew I had talents I knew I had potentials but I was too clouded by pains to see a brighter side of me for years I was living in my shadows I was too scared of coming out, I felt nobody wanted me I heard a lot of motivational talks but it just couldn’t heal me but at a point I was tired of living in pains, I wanted to smile again, I had to make a deliberate effort to come out.
What exactly do you do when the one you love let you down? when people you trust disappoints when your best friends becomes enemies? How do you deal with hurts and pains?


Firstly, don’t ever play the blame game on yourself, don’t blame yourself because it happened, don’t feel bad for yourself because it didn’t work out we are humans we all make mistakes learn from your mistakes but don’t blame yourself, stop feeling guilty stop saying “If I had done this” if someone walks out on you it’s just because it was never meant to be sometimes disappointments is God’s way of preventing you from errors and troubles.
Secondly, forgive that person, I know it sounds crazy you want to say “I’m not sure you understand” I understand, unforgiveness in your heart is hurting you and not the person who hurt you, the person who hurt you is probably sleeping peacefully and you are up all night crying can you see it’s not worth it forgive them so that you can move on.
Thirdly, don’t ever think going into another relationship will help soothe your pain sweetheart you are wrong, it’s never going to help you, you will only end up punishing an innocent soul for the sins of another, give yourself time to heal.
Fourthly, forgive yourself don’t be deceived its really okay to cry the problem is when you cry for too long and you wallow in it, cry your heart out let out the pain, if screaming would make you feel better scream but when you are done crying get up, forgive yourself and move on see the brighter side and become a better person, there is a right person out there for you, forgive yourself and be strong.
Finally and most importantly, allow God to heal you no other person feels your pain like He does, tell Him exactly how you feel, God is not just the provider of material things He heals heart and He gives us peace real peace that surpasses all understanding. I can assure you that His arms are wide open to hold you and wipe your tears and He is ready to heal you and give you a heart to love again.
Sweetheart, we are all humans and we make mistakes forgive yourself, forgive the person that hurt you, you will look back someday and thank God because all the heartbreaks, the pains, the disappointment will make you a better person learn that lesson you need to learn and moves on.
If God could fix me and clean up my mess then He will do much more for you because today I’m grateful for all the pains because they made me better and wiser, you’ve got to trust God and let Him help you.
You are strong and you are special
Yours sincerely,
A friend who understands.